Tag: Alexandria

  • Egypt Pours €360 Million into Renewing Alexandria’s Tram Network

    Egypt Pours €360 Million into Renewing Alexandria’s Tram Network

    Egypt is set to start the renovation and modernization of the prominent Al-Raml Tram network in Alexandria in a project that will cost €360 million.

    Egypt’s Ministry of Investment and International Cooperation signed a €100 million loan agreement with the French Development Agency (AFD), which will partially finance the project.

    The upgrading process of the 13.7 kilometers tramline will take up to three years. It aims at increasing the capacity of the tram from 100,000 passengers per day to 230,000. The renovations will also help cut the time needed for the tram to take a complete round from one hour to half an hour, also the facilities will be improved.

    Al-Raml tram network is the oldest tram line in Africa, it connects Alexandria’s western and eastern areas. It is also one of the oldest lines in the world.

    According to a statement released by the Ministry of Investments and International Cooperation, the European Investment Bank expressed its interest to co-finance the new project.

    Minister of Investments and International Cooperation Sahar Nasr said in press statements that Egypt is keen on improving the transportation sector, be it subways or railways. She further added that the presence of an insightful strategy to improve the transportation sector eased up the negotiations with sponsors.


  • 6 archeological missions to resume underwater excavations in Egypt

    6 archeological missions to resume underwater excavations in Egypt

    Six local and international excavation missions have obtained the necessary approvals to resume their underwater archeological excavations for antiquities along the shores of Alexandria and Red Sea governorates, according to the Department of Underwater Antiquities in the Ministry of Antiquities.

    The head of the department, Mohamed Abdel Maguid, said the missions submitted their papers for approval in December in an effort to be ready before April. Only two of the six missions will resume work next month, he added.

    The first of these two missions is the French Le Centre d’études Alexandrines (CEAlex), headed by Isabelle Hairy. This mission will complete its work in Fort Qaitbay by May 20. The second is the Egyptian mission which will work along Red Sea coasts from April 15 until May 7, headed by Mohamed Mostafa.

    Maguid said the other four missions have asked for the commencement of their work to be delayed until fall. These include Frank Goddio with the European Institute of Underwater Antiquities in France; Harry E. Tzalas with the Institute of Hellenic Underwater Archaeology in Greece; Galina A. Belova with the Russian Institute for Archaeology and Egyptology Studies; and Paolo Gallo with Turin University in Italy.


  • The website of E.K.A. now “speaks” English and Arabic

    The website of E.K.A. now “speaks” English and Arabic

    The new website www.backstage.ekalexandria.org of the Greek Community of Alexandria, which has been operating for about a year and a half, having high online traffic and visibility, now “speaks” English and Arabic, in addition to Greek, since March 24.

    One of the main pillars of the Greek Community of Alexandria is the promotion of its activities and its vast history. Based on this axis, the Press and Public Relations Committee clearly planned to promote and highlight the important role the Greek Community of Alexandria can play as a bridge of cooperation between institutions located in Greece and Egypt, and that will confidently raise the visibility of the Alexandrian Greeks and their heritage.

    As part of the continuous improvement of communication tools, the Greek Community of Alexandria has gone through with this very important step; launching the website in additional two languages, English and Arabic, thus honoring non-Greek speaking friends, and especially the Alexandrians, and the local community of Egypt, in which it coexists.

    The aim of the Greek Community of Alexandria is to showcase the activities and the history of the Greek Community, but also to include news related to economic, political and cultural themes related to our city but also to Greece and Egypt. Making the website a bridge between the Egyptiot-Greeks with Greek, Egyptian and international audience.

    The official launch of the website in the two new languages took place on Friday, March 24, in the presence of members of the Greek Community. The launch of the two editions made by the Special Secretary of Communication Planning Immigration & Refugee Policy, the Alexandrian, Mr. Giorgos Florentis and the Deputy Director General of the General Secretariat for Greeks Abroad Mr. Dimitris Plevrakis.