Greek seal to expand to more types of commodities

The Athens Chamber of Small and Medium-Sized Industries (BEA) is planning to expand the use of the mark indicating products of Greek origin to non-food categories, such as apparel, furniture and toys.

This effort started in the summer of 2015, but without any substantial response from the competent Ministry for the Economy and Development. Now BEA and the Hellenic Marketing Academy (ELAM) are trying to attract the government’s – and enterprises’ – attention through the first “Made in Greece” symposium on May 31, with the participation of government officials, entrepreneurs, academics and certification authority officials.

The aim of creating a Greek brand is to consolidate consumer confidence in products certified as Greek and to avoid misleading phenomena. It is also aimed at protecting the interests of Greek producers from imitations and unfair competition and strengthening the competitiveness of Greek enterprises.

To date, the certification has been awarded to 524 products belonging to the categories of dairy and alcoholic products, with olive oil products soon set to follow, as the necessary procedures have just been completed.
