Crete becomes the Silicon-Island of high technology R&D

ΓενικάOn the 30th of June 2016, KALEAO Ltd, a high-tech start-up company based in Cambridge, UK, inaugurated their new development centre within the FORTH – Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas research centre in Crete.

FORTH (in Greek: ITE) is one of the largest research centers in Greece with modern facilities, highly qualified personnel, and a reputation as a top-level research foundation worldwide. KALEAO helps FORTH to grow as a key European research centre and attraction pole for high-tech corporate development. KALEAO designs and manufactures advanced computer systems and delivers solutions based on its innovative approach to web-scale computing.  Last week, KALEAO unveiled KMAX, their new commercial product, offering a true converged rack mountable hardware platform and software computing appliance.

The inauguration officially sealed the FORTH – KALEAO collaboration towards a joint research lab on low power computing and shows a clear indication of the growing international high-tech involvement in Crete, Greece. FORTH started collaborating with the founders of KALEAO in EuroServer, a research project part of the EU’s FP7 programme.   FORTH, as a partner of the project, designed various hardware prototypes of key importance for the project, including significant operating system software components.

Professor Constantine Stephanidis, Director of FORTH’s Institute of Computer Science (ICS-FORTH), stated: “At ICS-FORTH, we strongly believe that one of the key factors for the future growth of the Greek economy is innovation in the high technology sectors and we have been working diligently for more than three decades for the advancement of science and technology in the ICT field, placing equal emphasis in basic and applied research, and aiming to bring the research results into the real economy of Greece – and Europe.  FORTH plays a central role in the science and technology ecosystem of Crete. The island is the home of several academic and research institutions of the highest international standing, and is the host of high-tech developments that are based on three pillars: outstanding academic performance, capacity for excellent research, and propensity for industrial innovation.  ICS-FORTH has always been working within the boundaries of this triangle, and I am personally very proud, as its Director, for the outcome of our unwithering contributions and active support in establishing, at international level, licensing agreements with industry, the transfer to industry of the intellectual property rights – thus monetizing research results, and the startup of a number of high tech companies that have their research and engineering basis operating in Crete – with this latest and most prominent addition of KALEAO. Our systematic approach in this direction has created several visible positive effects on the local Research and Technological Development ecosystem and is also contributing towards preventing, and ultimately reversing, the ‘brain drain’ trend in our field”.

To the declaration of FORTH, Professor John Goodacre, co-founder and CSO of KALEAO, added: “We are very happy with our development centre in Crete and with our collaboration with FORTH, since these yielded the design of key components of our flagship solution KMAX.  With the increasing research agenda of the Computer Architecture and VLSI Systems (CARV) Laboratory at FORTH and the new KALEAO development centre in the Science and Technology Park of Crete (STEP-C), we expect to see an increasing collaboration between FORTH and industry, collaboration that creates new exciting academic and job opportunities in silicon high-technology in this beautiful Greek island – The new “Silicon-Island’’.
